Confidence can help children succeed and protect them from low mental health, so how, as parents, do you encourage it? 

As children grow and develop, they will encounter various challenges, particularly when it comes to their education. From exams to homework and social interactions to extracurricular activities, school life can be stressful, and a lack of confidence can make it even more daunting. That’s why it’s crucial for school-aged children to have confidence in themselves and their abilities. 

The Impact of Confidence at School 

 Having confidence in school can lead to improved academic performance. When children believe in themselves and their abilities, they are more likely to take risks and try new things, leading to greater academic success.  

Confident children are more likely to participate in class discussions, ask questions, and seek help when they need it. This allows them to learn more effectively and to feel more positive about their school experience.  

In addition, children who are confident in school are more likely to enjoy it. Children who feel good about themselves and their abilities are more likely to feel positive about school and to look forward to attending. When children enjoy school, they are more likely to engage in learning and develop a love of learning that will stay with them throughout their lives. 

Furthermore, having confidence in school can positively impact a child’s social life. When children feel good about themselves, they are more likely to form positive relationships with their peers.  

Confident children are more likely to engage in social activities, make friends, and develop important social skills such as communication and teamwork. This can lead to a happier, more fulfilling school experience and can help children to feel more connected to their school community. 

Confidence and a Child’s Mental Health 

Having confidence in school can also positively impact a child’s mental health. 

Children who lack confidence in school may feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. This can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including poor school performance, social isolation, and mental health problems such as loneliness, anxiety and low mood. 

By contrast, children who have confidence in school are reported to feel happy and fulfilled and are less likely to experience mental health problems. 

How Can Parents Help Their Children to Develop Confidence in School? 

Praise children for their efforts and achievements. 

It’s important for parents to provide their children with plenty of positive reinforcement. Praise, praise, and praise some more! 

Praising children for their efforts and achievements, no matter how small, can help them to feel good about themselves and their abilities. Parents can also help their children to set realistic goals and to celebrate when they achieve them. 

Develop a growth mindset. 

Parents can also help their children to develop a growth mindset. This means helping children to understand that their abilities can be developed through hard work and effort. By teaching children to embrace challenges and to see mistakes as opportunities for growth, parents can help their children to develop a positive attitude towards learning and to feel more confident in their abilities. 

Support your child to get out of their comfort zone. 

It’s also important for parents to encourage their children to take risks and try new things. Whether joining a new club or trying a new subject, children willing to take risks are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards learning and feel more confident in their abilities. 

Most importantly, parents can help their children to develop confidence in school by being supportive and understanding. 

Children who feel supported by their parents are more likely to feel good about themselves and their abilities. By listening to their children’s concerns and offering guidance and advice, parents can help their children feel more confident and capable.  

Build Learning Confidence With Estia Tuition 

Estia Tuition’s adaptive learning programme helps students to become more confident learners. The maths and English programme follows the curriculum and, through assessments, understands where a child’s learning gaps are. 

Learning gaps can break a child’s confidence when they are introduced to new topics that rely on a building block not fully understood from a previous term. Children who supplement their learning with Estia Tuition’s online learning programme and 1-2-1 tuition find enjoyment in the subjects and do better at school, 

To see inside Estia Tuition, leave your details in our online form to receive a callback, chat with us now using the online webchat in the corner of your screen or call us on 0800 999 6333 (Mon – Fri 09.00 – 17.30). 

Having confidence in school is crucial for school-aged children. It can lead to improved academic success, a happier school experience, better social relationships, and improved mental health. By providing children with positive reinforcement, helping them develop a growth mindset, encouraging them to take risks, and being supportive and understanding, parents can help their children develop the confidence they need to succeed in school and life. 



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