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Is Homework Beneficial to Students?

Written by Lauren | February 9, 2023 at 7:32 AM

Homework is a controversial topic. It has been discussed in almost every media publication and social media space and has experienced renewed debate as a result of Kirsty Allsopp’s tweet and the Irish President’s calls to ban homework in schools.

So, why does homework split opinion?

Some argue that homework is beneficial while others consider it to be a burden for students. Some parents are against homework because they believe their child should not have to do anything after school other than rest and play with friends.

On the other hand, some teachers think that without doing homework, students cannot learn new concepts or skills properly and so are left behind when compared to their peers who complete homework after the school day.

Healthy Homework

The definition of homework often takes a negative angle in many debates. Stories of schools “forcing” children to do up to 4 hours every day is not the homework approach that we are about to discuss.

When homework is part of a healthy, after-school routine and is practised regularly, many children engage with little resistance and actually enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.

Homework becomes strenuous when there are learning gaps from previous years or key stages. This can make homework more challenging and strenuous for everyone at home.

Homework is a vital part of the education process.

Homework can be used to reinforce learning from lessons, as well as develop skills and knowledge in key areas such as Maths, English and Science. Homework also helps children become independent learners who are able to tackle their own problems, rather than relying on teachers or parents for help.

Students who do not have homework may be less motivated in class and may lose confidence in their abilities to complete studies on their own. If a student does not receive practice at home, it is likely that he or she will struggle when attempting to complete an assignment without help from a teacher.

Is homework beneficial to students?

Homework is beneficial in many ways and can be seen as an opportunity for students to apply their learning and develop study skills, as well as reinforcing concepts which they have covered in class.

Homework is also a great way to involve parents in their child’s education and provides the opportunity to help children develop study skills and learn about the importance of completing tasks on time and working effectively under pressure. Both skills needed for adulthood.

Parents can show their children how they studied for their own classes in school, as well as explain why certain habits are important (e.g., keeping a schedule).

If your child seems overwhelmed by homework he or she has to complete, try looking over some sample assignments together so that you both know what’s expected.

Remember that your child’s teachers are there to support and reaching out to them to address any issues will always provide a helpful outlet and ensure your child is being supported in the best way.

Our opinion on homework

Of the thousands of families who rely on Estia Tuition regularly to support maths and English learning at home, we can see the impact of consistent learning. Over 77,500 lessons have already been completed with Estia Tuition in Jan 2023 alone! See our current LIVE learning statistics on our homepage now.

Our programme focuses on addressing each individual student’s learning gaps and creates a study plan to address them. This results in a confident student, eager to progress and undertake homework!

See if Estia Tuition would suit your child with a information session with a Course Tutor. Complete the form here and we’ll get right back to you!