Privacy Policy GDPR Legislation

The EU introduced new Data Protection legislation from May 25th 2018. We have audited all of our processes, data handling and retention protocols and where appropriate have made amendments to them, to ensure we are fully compliant with the GDPR. We regularly review our processes, to identify any further areas where improvements can be made, so we can make any necessary changes. Estia Tuition offers services via this website or its associated websites and such educational programs, services and delivery mechanisms will be collectively referred to as the Estia Learning Systems (ELS). Estia Tuition publishes its privacy policy to give our customers a better understanding of our privacy policy and practice. If you have any questions, please contact Estia Tuition is committed to respecting your online privacy and to recognising your need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information (personal information) you share with us. We have established this online privacy policy so that you can understand the care with which we intend to treat your personal information. Personal information means any information that may be used to identify an individual, including, but not limited to, a first and family name, a home or other physical address, an email address or other contact information, whether at work or at home. In general, you can visit Estia Tuition’s webpages without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. Estia Tuition strives to comply with all applicable laws around the globe that are designed to protect your privacy. Although legal requirements may vary from country to country, Estia Tuition intends to adhere to the principles set forth in this online privacy policy and our goal is to provide protection for your personal information, no matter where that personal information is collected, transferred or retained. To protect your privacy, we have adopted the following principles:

  • We never buy children’s data of any type from schools or anyone. Ever.
  • The only data we receive is provided by parents, from online or paper forms you may have filled out and sent to us, or when enrolling your children on the programme;
  • We will never sell on, share or give away any data you have given to us, to anyone else outside the Estia Tuition Group and specific contracted third-parties who provide services available on the ELS System on Estia Tuition’s behalf.
  • We will always ask for and gain your agreement to use your data for communicating with you, for providing educational support to your children and we only ask for the data we reasonably need to do that
  • If you wish to decline an invitation from us, we do not ask for any family or children’s details, just a simple “No Thank You”
  • If you ask us not to contact you at a number or email you’ve given us, we won’t.

This privacy policy explains the following:

  1. What information Estia Tuition may collect about you;
  2. How Estia Tuition will use information we collect about you;
  3. How Estia Tuition will keep your data secure;
  4. Estia Tuition’s cookie use
  5. Whether Estia Tuition will disclose your details to anyone else;
  6. How Estia Tuition will use your information to act on offensive or inappropriate content
  7. How Estia Tuition will treat children aged 16 or less
  8. Your choices regarding the personal information you have provided to us.

It also explains our policy with respect to system passwords and our policy to ensure child security on our website. Protecting you and your family’s privacy online is an evolving area, and Estia Tuition’s websites are constantly evolving to meet these demands

1. What information will Estia Tuition collect about me?

To enable us to operate our services for you and your family, we need to hold both personal and educational data. We seek to ensure that we only hold the data that is necessary for the provision of our services and to be able to communicate with you in the way(s) that you have agreed to. You may choose whether or not to provide personal information to Estia Tuition. If you choose not to provide the personal information we request, you can still visit most of Estia Tuition’s websites, but you may be unable to access certain options, offers and services that involve our interaction with you. We never buy personal information from schools or other suppliers. Ever. Any data we hold will have been provided to us by parents, who will have either

  • Filled in an online or paper form to make an enquiry, either in response to an advertising activity or directly from our own website; or
  • Provided us with data, using either an online or paper form, or in writing via a letter, or over the telephone as part of an enquiry or service call, or in a face to face discussion with a member of our staff

When you fill in an online or paper enquiry form, or sign up to buy a programme or participate in or receive a service from Estia Tuition or from any other part of the websites, such as newsletters or competitions for example, we may ask for personal information about you. This may consist of information such as your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone or mobile phone number and such additional information about your family as is needed for the provision of that programme. Different services and web pages may need different personal information. By entering your details in the fields requested, you enable Estia Tuition to provide you with the services you select. Please note that on particular web pages we will sometimes require you to provide additional personal information, such as your Estia Tuition Registration Number. When we do this, if it not reasonably obvious why, we will specify further why we are collecting your information and how we will use it.

2. How will Estia Tuition use the information it collects about me?

Estia Tuition will only use personal information for 4 purposes:

  1. To respond to an enquiry that you have made to us – either directly via our own website or through a third party contracted by us – and to send you information relevant to and derived from that enquiry
  2. To enable us to provide products, services and programmes to you and your children, that you have purchased or subscribed for. This includes using personal information to identify you and your children if logging in to one of our websites to use services and to inform you of information relevant to that service such as results, upgrades and updates to the services, instructions and technical support provision and similar services
  3. To carry out normal customer communication such as correspondence about your account, customer service calls, in relation to any complaint or contribution you may have made, to invite you to participate in surveys about Estia Tuition products and customer service (participation is always voluntary) or information on other relevant matters

To the extent that you do provide us with personal information, Estia Tuition wishes to maintain accurate personal information. Where we collect personal information from you on the web, our goal is to provide a means of contacting Estia Tuition should you need to update or correct that information. If you ask us to stop communicating with you at any phone number or email address you have previously given us, we will. Please email a request to at any time. In such events, we may advise you of certain services that we will no longer be able to provide without using that contact information, e.g. where an email or phone number is essential to that provision, such as the sending of test results or alerts about actions required, in order that you can provide an alternative contact point, or, if you wish, we will cease to use that contact information anyway.
If for any reason those means are unavailable or inaccessible, you may send updates and corrections about your personal information to and we will make reasonable efforts to incorporate the changes in your personal information that we hold as soon as practicable.

3. How will Estia Tuition keep my data secure?

Wherever your personal information may be held within Estia Tuition or on its behalf, we will take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information that you share with us from unauthorised access or disclosure. All personal information is held in a secure environment. Our systems are all hosted in the UK or the EU, by some of the largest professional hosting companies in the world and have the latest security protection available. All databases conform to the highest UK Data Protection Standards and the latest UK data protection legislation and we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office to hold and process personal data. Access to data within Estia Tuition is strictly controlled and managed, using passwords and access level management software, to ensure that our staff members only see the data they need to see to do their jobs and meet our customer’s needs and requests.

4. Cookies and other tracking technologies

Some of our webpages utilise ‘cookies’ and other tracking technologies. A cookie is a small text file that may be used, for example, to collect information about website activity. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall personal information previously indicated by a web user. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. You may set most browsers to notify you if you receive a cookie or you may choose to block cookies with your browser. Please note if you choose to erase or block your cookies, you will be required to re-enter your original user ID and password to gain access to certain parts of the website. Tracking technologies may record information such as internet domain and host names, internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser software and operating system types, click-stream patterns, and dates and times that our site is accessed. Our use of cookies and other tracking technologies allows us to improve our website and your web experience. We may also analyse information that does not contain personal information for trends and statistics. This information is not used to develop a personal profile of you and the log files are regularly purged.

5. Will Estia Tuition share my personal information with anyone else?

We never sell on, share, give away or otherwise pass personal data to any other organisation outside the Estia Tuition Group and specific contracted third-parties who provide services available on the ELS System on Estia Tuition’s behalf. The only exception to this would be where disclosure is permitted by law and required by a designated authority, which is duly authorised to require us to do that under specific circumstances, for example to government authorities and law enforcement agencies Where we provide personal data to third-party service providers to help us deliver programs, products, information or services, we only provide it under the same confidentiality terms applied within Estia Tuition and solely and exclusively for the limited purpose of providing the specific services for which they have been contracted, not for any other use or purpose. Service providers are an important means by which Estia Tuition maintains its websites and communications capabilities . Estia Tuition will take reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party service providers are obligated to protect personal information on Estia Tuition’s behalf.

6. Offensive or inappropriate content on Estia Tuition website

If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on or to (or elsewhere on a website created by us), or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on these specified websites (or elsewhere on a website created by us), Estia Tuition may use your personal information to stop such behaviour. Where Estia Tuition reasonably believes that you are or may be in breach of any of the laws of England or Wales (e.g. because content you have posted may be defamatory), Estia Tuition may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties such as your e-mail/Internet provider or law enforcement agencies about the content and your behaviour.

7. What if I am a user aged 16 or under?

We will never normally request personal information from a person under 16, unless asked to do so by their parent, designated carer or other designated responsible adult. If you are aged 16 or under, please make sure that your parent or carer reads this information and get your parent/carer’s permission beforehand whenever you provide personal information to Estia Tuition. Users under 16 years old without this consent must not provide us with personal (or related) information.

8. Your consent

By using this website, you consent to the terms of our online privacy policy and to Estia Tuition’s processing of personal information for the purposes given above as well as those explained where Estia Tuition collects personal information on the web. Should the online privacy policy change, we will take every reasonable step to ensure that these changes are brought to your attention by posting all changes prominently on our website for a reasonable period of time. Passwords Estia Tuition supplies all students and parents with a unique user name and password for their accounts.

  • Each student has his or her own personal user names and passwords that must be used to access their Estia Online Learning Systems (ELS).
  • Passwords are not transferable and may only be used by the student or parent for whom they have been created. They should not be given to anyone else.
  • If you lose or forget your username or password, our Customer Support Team at Estia Tuition can remind you of it, or reset it if you prefer – email a request to at any time.
  • If someone else has been given your password and you want to change it, email a request to at any time and our Customer Support Team will be pleased to help you.

What to do if you have a complaint?

Please see our complaint procedure.

Child Security

At Estia Tuition we take your children’s security very seriously and we have 8 simple but powerful principles to ensure this:

  1. We never use or record a child’s e-mail address. We will only use and hold a family e-mail address controlled by and which and which has been given to us by, a parent or carer or other responsible adult a on registration with Estia Tuition, or later updated by a parent or carer or other responsible adult.
  2. When we communicate by e-mail it will only be to this family controlled e-mail box that you have nominated
  3. Every child has a unique user name and password for the Estia Tuition Learning system (EEL) and the Estia Support Services system (ESS), without which they cannot log in to their personal online learning or support spaces. These are not shared with any other member of the family or anyone else and will be provided to the family on or soon after registration.
  4. All children have both a personal online learning space and a personal online support space. Each is accessed using their unique username and password.
  5. Children can only access our Secure Interactive Whiteboard through their own personal online support space and no other children can access it at the same time as them. The only other person who can access it is the teacher who is tutoring the child and they must log in through the child’s learning record to set up the session for that child.
  6. The teacher’s name is always displayed to the children when they are on the Whiteboard and the child’s name is always displayed to the teacher. In this way we always know which teacher is talking to a child at any time and can always refer back to see this at a later date.
  7. Teachers and other staff who have access to the children’s learning information and learning records can only access these using a unique username and password of their own.
  8. Every teacher who works for Estia Tuition and tutors children is a fully Qualified UK Registered Teacher.

The Estia Tuition Contribution Terms

  1. By forwarding us a contribution, you (or Estia Tuition where indicated) confirm the following:
  2. By sharing any contribution (including, but not limited to, any text, photographs, pictures, jokes or poems) with Estia Tuition you (and any relevant parent / carer) agree to grant Estia Tuition, free of charge, irrevocable permission to use the material, without time limit, in any way it wants (including modifying and adapting it for operational and editorial reasons and as explained below) for Estia Tuition in any media.
  3. Copyright in your contribution will remain with you and this permission is not exclusive, so you can continue to use the material in any way, including allowing others to use it.
  4. In order that Estia Tuition can use your contribution, you confirm that (if under 16) your parent or carer has agreed for you to send in your contribution with all other information and also agreed for you to enter any competition in which you are interested. You also confirm that your contribution is your own original work, is not defamatory and does not infringe any laws, that you have the right to give Estia Tuition permission to use it for the purposes specified above and that you have the consent of anyone who is identifiable in your contribution, or the consent of their parent / carer if they are under 16.
  5. We normally show (with your contribution) your name, age and city where you live, unless you request otherwise, but for operational reasons this is not always possible. Estia Tuition may need to contact you for administrative or verification purposes in relation to your contribution, or in relation to particular projects.
  6. Please do not endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or break any laws when creating content you may share with Estia Tuition.
  7. If you do not want to grant Estia Tuition the permission set out above on these terms, please do not submit to or share your contribution with Estia Tuition

Contacting Estia Tuition about this Privacy Policy and Contribution Terms

If you have any comments or questions regarding our online privacy policy, please contact us as follows:

While we cannot guarantee privacy perfection, we will address any issue to the best of our abilities at our earliest opportunity.